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About Clearly Visible Safety Signs




Clearly Visible Safety Signs provides a service to Families with children,seniors,and pets to enable the Fire Department,Police Department or First Responders to quickly locate the sleeping quarters so rescuing the occupants will be quick, as time is of the essence in any emergency.

Unfortunately,almost every day throughout the country there are people injured or killed because they could not be rescued in time by emergency personnel. The job emergency personnel has is very difficult at best in locating people in a structure fire, but with the application of Clearly Visible Safety Signs applied to the outside of the window the emergency personnel can easily locate the rooms that your family members are in.

We provide not only signs that are placed on the out side of windows, but signs that could remind you that Oxygen is being used in the house by Grandma or Grandpa, that notifies the electric company that the power to the house must not be shut off because there is equipment operating  for life support or signs that can be placed where water valves need to be shut off in case of a break in the water line,or by the gas valves in the house in case the hose or piping should be ruptured.










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